PITCH (Suprasegmental Phonemes)

 Pitch, defined as the frequency of vibration of vocal cords.  Pitch is measured in hertzes. Pitch can show whether  the speaker man/woman, old/young, and also show non linguistics aspect as the emotional condition of the speaker  such as sad, happy or angry.Physiologically, pitch tends to be higher in woman than in men, and higher before puberty than after puberty. Also, the pitch of women's voices tends to lower with old age, and the pitch of men's voices tends to get higher with age.Pitch refers to the normal melodic height of an individual’s speech. It is like a degree of highness or lowness of one’s speech.There are four levels of relative pitch as phonemes. They are:4 >> extra-high3 >> high2 >> normal1 >> low From a physiological point of view, pitch is primarily dependent on the rate of vibration of vocal cords, When the vocal cords are stretched, the pitch of voice increases.
Of the grammatical sentence, the final syllable will get the final stress and falling pitch rather than the syllables which are not at the final position. 
If pitch varies over an entire phrase or sentence, we call the different pitch curves by the term intonation. Intonation conveys the speaker's attitude or feelings.  In other words, intonation has a deictic function in discourse: questions; or a connotative function:  anger, sarcasm, or various emotions.  Intonation can also convey purely syntactic information, as when it marks where a sentence ends.
If the pitch of a single syllable or word has the effect of influencing the denotative meaning of the word, we call the different pitch distributions by the term tone.  The overall behavior of pitch, i.e., the different changes or movements the pitch can show in a syllable. The different tones make the voice go upwards and downwards in a tone group.
Every language uses pitch as intonation, but only some languages use it as tone.  There are two basic types of tones in tone languages :
a.      Register tones
are measured by contrasts in the absolute pitch of different syllables.  Register tones may be high, mid, or low. Many West African languages use contrasts of high mid and low tones to distinguish word meaning.
b.      Contour tones
are tones involving a pitch shift upward or downward on a single syllable.  Many languages of East and Southeast Asia use contour tones, the best known being Mandarin Chinese.
Tone languages also have intonation, a gradual increase or decrease in pitch over an utterance as well as an increase in general volume of sound on various parts of the utterance to indicate emotion.

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