Present Perfect Tense

4. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (waktu sekarang selesai)
            Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah dilakukan pada suatu waktu yang tidak tertentu di masa lampau (telah selesai).
Subject + have/has + verb 3rd form

e.g.      I have read that novel
            Father has goes to work.
            The students have finished their excercises.
            We have told John what you said.
            She has returned the book to the library.
*HAS khusus untuk orang ke-III Tunggal.
Present Perfect Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah berulang kali dilakukan pada masa lampau.
e.g.      I have spoken to him about it several times.
            We have seen that firm three times.
            He has studied English over and over.
            My sister has visited Bali many times.
            I have tried the restaurant again and again but I don’t like the food there.
Subject + have/has not + verb 3rd form

e.g.      She hasn’t studied English.
            Mrs. Smith hasn’t taught English for many years.
            We haven’t had dinner yet.
            I haven’t seen that film.
            They haven’t phoned me.
Have/has + subject + verb 3rd form

e.g.      Have you seen that film before?
            - yes, I have
            - no, I haven’t
            Have they told you about it?
-          Yes, they have
-          No, they haven’t
Has your sister gone to school?
-          Yes, she has
-          No, she hasn’t
Have you paid your school-fee?
-          Yes, I have
-          No, I haven’t
Has your teacher taught you grammar?
-          Yes, he has
-          No, he hasn’t
Beberapa ungkapan yang sering digunakan dalam Present Perfect Tense antara lain : yet & already, for & since, just.
-          Yet menyatakan suatu waktu lebih lambat dari yang diharapkan.
-          Yet selalu ditempatkan dibelakang kalimat.
-          Yet digunakan dalam kalimat Negative maupun interrogative. (= belum)
e.g.      The class always begins at 8 a.m.
            it is 8.05 but the teacher hasn’t come yet.
            Up to now John hasn’t found any job yet.
            Have you bought the ticket for the game yet? No, not yet
            Has he posted the letter yet? No, not yet
            (belumkah dia memposkan surat itu?)
-          Already menyatakan suatu waktu lebih cepat dari yang diharapkan.
-          Already digunakan dalam kalimat Positive dan Interrogative.
-          Already dapat diletakkan di tengah maupun di belakang kalimat.
e.g.      The class always begins at 8 a.m.
            it is only 7.55 but the lesson has already begun.
            They have already cashed the cheque.
            The plane has already left the airport.
            Have the police caught the thief already? Yes, they have.
-          For menunjukkan lamanya suatu kejadian berlangsung (=selama).
-          Since menunjukkan saat suatu kejadian dimulai. (=sejak)
e.g.      They have lived in London for ten years.
            John has been in hospital for almost a month.
            My mother has been sick for three days.
            We have lived in this house since 1975.
            I haven’t seen him since last February.
Just digunakan untuk menandakan bahwa suatu perbuatan baru saja selesai.
e.g.      John has just gone out.
            I have just seen the examination result.
            We have just returned from a trip.
            I have just had lunch.
            Mother has just gone to the market.

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