Melanjutkan Pembahasan lengkap tentang Peletakan Gerund dalam Kalimat atau Frase
misal :
1. She becomes a freelance journalist besides working at a bank.
2. This knife is for carving fruits.
3. Joe killed a spider by hitting it with a rolling magazine.
4. Save him from doing bad things.
misal :
1. She is sorry for not helping us.
2. Are they scared of getting bad value ?
3. He was not very interested in painting.
4. She was/felt embarred about undressing in front of a doctor.
5. Everyone is opposed to going camping on the rainy season.
misal-contoh lain Adjective + Prepositions :
Noun + Preposition + Gerund
misal :
1. Show me the meaning of being lonely !
2. She declines the offer of being transferred to the branch office.
3. Milla was never given the opportunity of going to a college.
4. Do you hate his habit of coming very late ?
5. Do they know the danger of rock-climbing ?
6. The teacher tells student the importance of reviewing the lesson at home.
7. There is no objection to helping other people.
misal-contoh lain Noun + Preposition
Verb + Preposition + Gerund
misal :
1. We can’t focus on gaining the profit in this business.
2. Ferry objects to helping his step father.
3. Will we put of fishing ?
4. Franky confessed to hiding my school documents.
5. Has he given up smoking ?
6. Kendy goes on fishing undre the heat of the sun.
7. Will you assist in improving your students’ skill ?
8. James was charged with murdering his wife.
9. Lolita feels like traveling on a bus.
10. Job applicants are looking forward to being called for an interview.
misal-contoh lain Verb + Preposition :
Itulah bahan tentang Gerund after Preposition. Baca juga Gerund after Other Verb plus misal Kalimat .
Semoga bermanfaa.
Gerund after Preposition
Prepostion (kata depan) dalam bahasa Inggris dikelompokkan menjadi 2 yaitu :a. Free Preposition (Kata depan bebas)
Free Preposition diantaranya yaitu : for, with, without, by, besides, from, in, after, before, dan sebagainya.misal :
1. She becomes a freelance journalist besides working at a bank.
2. This knife is for carving fruits.
3. Joe killed a spider by hitting it with a rolling magazine.
4. Save him from doing bad things.
b. Bound Prepositions (Kata depan terikat)
Adjective + Preposition + Gerundmisal :
1. She is sorry for not helping us.
2. Are they scared of getting bad value ?
3. He was not very interested in painting.
4. She was/felt embarred about undressing in front of a doctor.
5. Everyone is opposed to going camping on the rainy season.
misal-contoh lain Adjective + Prepositions :
Adj + Preposition | Meaning |
Be responsible for Be sick for Be tired of Be fond of Be afraid of Be capable of Be scared of Be suspected of Be sick of (annoyed) Be interested in Be successful in Be clever at Be good at Be bad at Be skilled/skillful at Be accustomed to Be used to Be ashamed about Be sick about (unhappy) Be better off Be keen on | Bertanggung jawaban Dipenuhi rasa rindu Lelah Penuh kasih akung Takut Pandai, cakap Takut Ragu Jemu. bosan Tertarik Berhasil Pandai,pintar Baik Jelek Mahir Biasa Bekas Malu Tidak gembira Dalam keadaan lebih baik Tertarik pada |
misal :
1. Show me the meaning of being lonely !
2. She declines the offer of being transferred to the branch office.
3. Milla was never given the opportunity of going to a college.
4. Do you hate his habit of coming very late ?
5. Do they know the danger of rock-climbing ?
6. The teacher tells student the importance of reviewing the lesson at home.
7. There is no objection to helping other people.
misal-contoh lain Noun + Preposition
N + Preposition | Meaning |
Reason for Thanks for Apology for Excuse for Method of/for Hope of/for Thought of Chance of Fear of Importance of Right of Intention of Way of Means of Danger of Opportunity of Capability of Necessity of Honor of Process of Skill at Surprise at Success in Interested in Shame in Experience in Difficulty in Objection to | Alasan Kesusahan Keberatan Alasan untuk Teknik,proses,metode Harapan Pemikiran Kesempatan Ketakautan Kepentingan Hak Niat Jalan Teknik Bahaya Kesempatan Kesanggupan Kebutuhan Reputasi, nama baik Teknik Keahlian Kejutan Keberhasilan Perhatian Rasa malu Pengalaman Kesusahan Keberatan |
Verb + Preposition + Gerund
misal :
1. We can’t focus on gaining the profit in this business.
2. Ferry objects to helping his step father.
3. Will we put of fishing ?
4. Franky confessed to hiding my school documents.
5. Has he given up smoking ?
6. Kendy goes on fishing undre the heat of the sun.
7. Will you assist in improving your students’ skill ?
8. James was charged with murdering his wife.
9. Lolita feels like traveling on a bus.
10. Job applicants are looking forward to being called for an interview.
misal-contoh lain Verb + Preposition :
Verb + Preposition | Meaning |
Go on Insist on Keep on Depend on/Rely on Die of Approve of Disapprove of Dream of Accuse + Object + of Suspect + Object + of Assist in Succeed in Object to Confess to Look forward to Fine + Object + for Forgive + Object + for Thank + Object + for Appologize to + Object + for Stop + Object + from Prevent + Object + from Give up Put off Dream about | Melanjutkan Bersikeras Melanjutkan mengandalkan Mati karena Menyetujui Tidak menyetujui Bermimpi perihal Menuduh Mencurigai Memmenolong Berhasil Keberatan Mengakui Menunggu dengan penuh harap Mendenda Memaafkan Berterima kasih Meminta maaf atas Menghentikan ... dari Mencegah ... dari Menyerah Menunda Membayangkan |
Itulah bahan tentang Gerund after Preposition. Baca juga Gerund after Other Verb plus misal Kalimat .
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