Participle yaitu bentuk kata kerja yang berakhiran ing dan d/ed yang berfungsi sebagai kata kerja atau kata sifat. Sekilas Participle seolah-olah dengan Gerund yaitu sama-sama ialah kata kerja ing. Walaupun mempunyai bentuk yang sama, Participle dan Gerund mempunyai perbedaan penerapan dalam kalimat. Gerund dipakai sebagai noun sedangkan Participle dipakai sebagai Verb atau Adjective.
Present Participle dan Past Particeple dapat berfungsi sebagai :
1. The Verb of The Sentence (kata kerja dalam kalimat)
2. The adjective (kata sifat)
3. Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat juga diletakkan setelah kata kerja lain (other verbs) dan ungkapan (the expressions)
4. The adverb (kata keterangan) khususnya dalam bentuk frase (adverb phrase)
Berikut ini penjelasannya.
misal :
* Rina was watching TV when the earthquake happened.
* How long has Tania been sitting under that tree ?
* Amelia may be helping her mother in the kitchen now.
* The workers seem to be resting right now.
Past Participle sebagai kata kerja dalam kalimat dapat kita jumpai dalam kalimat yang memakai Perfect Tenses dan Passive Voice.
misal :
* Ardan has finished his study at a university.
* They must have visited their sick friend.
* Benjamin had moved to another city when I visited him in his house.
* She might have got an accident when riding her motorbike so fast.
* When was temple restored for the first time ?
* These flowera are watered twice a day.
* Hundreds children are being taught how to brush teeth well by the dentist.
Participle sebagai Adjective (Kata sifat) dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu :
a. Adjective yang berfungsi sebagai penjelas kata benda(the modifier of the noun)
Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat dipakai sebagai penjelas kata benda.
Present Participle dan Past Participle menandakan sifat benda tersebut dan biasanya ialah sifat permguan.
Present Participle + the Noun
misal :
* Who has shing hair ? (Siapa mempunyai rambut bersinar ?)
* This flight offers a fascinating journey. (Penerbangan memperlihatkan perjalanan yang mempesona)
* She is smelling blooming flowers. (Dia mencium bunga-bunga yang sedang mekar)
* Autumn is often signed by falling leaves. (Musim gugur sering ditandai oleh daun-daun yang berjatuhan)
misal-contoh lain Present Participle + The Noun
Ketika Present Participle dipakai sebagai penjelas kata benda, Present Participle mengandung makna active (me/ber) dan juga continuous/progressive (sedang).
misal :
* Growing up girl (Gadis yang sedang tumbuh)
* Falling leaves (Daun-daun yang sedang berguguran)
* Boiling water (Air yang sedang mendidih)
* Amazing building (Bangunan yang menakjubkan)
* Confusing test (Ujian yang membingungkan)
* Sparkling white (Warna putih yang berkilau)
Past Participle + The Noun
misal :
* No one can heal her broken heart .
* A child sank in the frozen lake yesterday.
* People sometimes breathe polluted air.
* Could the police capture the escaped prisoner ?
* Where is the most wanted terrorist hiding ?
* Do you like eating canned fruit ?
* Jurassic park is the lost world.
misal-contoh lain Past Participle + The Noun
Ketika Past Participle berfungsi sebagai penjelas kata benda, Past Participle mengandung makna passive (di, ter, ke...) dan makna perfect (sudah/sudah).
misal :
* Fried chicken (ayam yang digoreng)
* Armed civilians (penduduk sipil yang dilengkapi senjata )
* Salted egg ( telur yang diasinkan)
* Received call ( panggilan yang diterima)
* Frightened child (anak yang ketakutan)
* Fallen tree (pohon yang sudah tumbang)
* Developed country (negara yang sudah berkembang)
* Frozen lake (danau yang sudah membeku)
* Faded flowers (bunga-bunga yang sudah layu)
* Married woman (wanita yang sudah berkeluarga)
b. Adjective yang berfungsi sebagai komplemen kalimat (The complement of the sentence)
Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat berfungsi sebagai komplemen kalimat. Ketika Present Participle dan Past Participle dipakai sebagai komplemen kalimat dapat ditempatkan setelah be atau Linking Verbs. Present Participle selalu mengandung makna Active (me/ber...) dan Past Participle selalu mengandung makna passive (di,ter,ke...).
Subject + be + Present? Past Participle
misal :
* This is very tiring.
* Whose face is frightening ?
* English was not interesting when I was in high school.
* Will the show be entertaining ?
* Your decision can be very disappointing.
* Your future in this company is not very promising.
* Sean is very shocked when knowing that his mother got an accident.
* People will be very upset because the government is not fair with them.
* Who is very embarrased ?
* Are they pleased ?
* Who face is frightened ?
Subject + Linking Verb + Present/Past Participle
Linking Verb yang biasa diikuti oleh Participle yaitu :
Seem, look, feel, appear, get, become, sound.
misal :
* This practice seems boring.
* Do the flowers look dying ?
* Your ideas sound interesting .
* Those people appear scaring.
* She felt lost without him in her life for many years.
* I feel so blessed when I think of you.
* Who appears confused on the stage ?
* She doesn’t feel insulted but little offended.
* Whose father becomes annoyed ?
c. Adjective dalam bentuk Adjective Phrases
Phrase (frase) yaitu kumpulan kata yang mempunyai arti. Adjective Phrase yaitu frase yang menandakan /mendeskripsikan kata benda. Adjective Phrase dibuat dari Adjective Clause dengan cara menghilangkan Relative Pronoun khususnya Relative Pronoun untuk subjek (who, which, that) kemudian mengganti kata kerja dengan memakai Participle.
Present Participle dipakai untuk Adjective Clause yang mengandung makna active (me/ber) dan Past Participle dipakai untuk Adjective Clause yang mengandung makna Passive (di, ter)
misal :
Adjective Clause
* The highway that goes to the president palace is closed for public.
Adjective Phrase
* The highway going to the president palace is closed for public.
* Williana wanted to buy the gadget which was advertised on a daily newspaper.
Williana wanted to buy the gadget advertised on a daily newspaper.
* The judge who denied being bribed made a press conference to clarify.
The judge denying being bribed made a press conference to clarify.
* The man who can’t walk after getting stroke spends his life on a bed.
The man not being able to walk after getting stroke spends his life on a bed.
Note :
Present Participle dan Past Participle dalam bentuk Adjective Phrase tidak dipakai jikalau Adjective Clausenya untuk objek (whom), Possessive (whose) , atau keterangan (when, where, why).
Semoga bermanfaa ...
Baca juga :
Participle after Other Verbs and Expressions
Participle dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu Present Participle dan Past Participle.
Present Participle yaitu bentuk kata kerja yang berakhiran ing , sedangkan Past Participle yaitu bentuk kata kerja yang berakhiran d/ed dan bentuk kata kerja ketiga (Verb 3) yang tidak beraturan.Present Participle dan Past Particeple dapat berfungsi sebagai :
1. The Verb of The Sentence (kata kerja dalam kalimat)
2. The adjective (kata sifat)
3. Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat juga diletakkan setelah kata kerja lain (other verbs) dan ungkapan (the expressions)
4. The adverb (kata keterangan) khususnya dalam bentuk frase (adverb phrase)
Berikut ini penjelasannya.
1. Participle sebagai Verb/kata kerja dalam kalimat
Present Particple sebagai kata kerja dalam kalimat dapat kita jumpai dalam kalimat yang memakai Continuous/ Progressive Tenses.misal :
* Rina was watching TV when the earthquake happened.
* How long has Tania been sitting under that tree ?
* Amelia may be helping her mother in the kitchen now.
* The workers seem to be resting right now.
Past Participle sebagai kata kerja dalam kalimat dapat kita jumpai dalam kalimat yang memakai Perfect Tenses dan Passive Voice.
misal :
* Ardan has finished his study at a university.
* They must have visited their sick friend.
* Benjamin had moved to another city when I visited him in his house.
* She might have got an accident when riding her motorbike so fast.
* When was temple restored for the first time ?
* These flowera are watered twice a day.
* Hundreds children are being taught how to brush teeth well by the dentist.
2. Participle sebagai Adjective (Kata sifat)
Adjective dapat dipakai sebagai penjelas kata benda, komplemen kalimat, dan dalam bentuk Adjective Phrases (frase yang menandakan kata benda)Participle sebagai Adjective (Kata sifat) dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu :
a. Adjective yang berfungsi sebagai penjelas kata benda(the modifier of the noun)
Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat dipakai sebagai penjelas kata benda.
Present Participle dan Past Participle menandakan sifat benda tersebut dan biasanya ialah sifat permguan.
Present Participle + the Noun
misal :
* Who has shing hair ? (Siapa mempunyai rambut bersinar ?)
* This flight offers a fascinating journey. (Penerbangan memperlihatkan perjalanan yang mempesona)
* She is smelling blooming flowers. (Dia mencium bunga-bunga yang sedang mekar)
* Autumn is often signed by falling leaves. (Musim gugur sering ditandai oleh daun-daun yang berjatuhan)
misal-contoh lain Present Participle + The Noun
Present Participle + Noun | Meaning |
Developing country | Negara berkembang |
Burning sun | Terbakar matahari |
Haunting house | Rumah berhantu |
Promising future | Masa depan yang menjanjikan |
Talking toy | Mainan yang dapat bicara |
Flying dragon | Naga terbang |
Challenging game | Permainan menantang |
Embarrasing moment | Saat yang memalukan |
Boring room | Ruangan yang membosankan |
Boiling water | Air mendidih |
Satisfying service | Pelayanan yang memuaskan |
Fascinating journey | Perjalanan yang mempesona |
Confusing decision | Keputusan yang membingungkan |
Glittering snow | Salju yang berkilauan |
Rising star | Bintang yang bersinar |
Sparkling white | Putih berkilau |
Moving objects | Objek bergerak |
Exciting trip | Perjalanan yang menarikdanunik |
Tiring job | Pekerjaan yang melelahkan |
Disappointing score | Skor yang mengecewakan |
Inspiring words | Kata-kata inspiratif |
Awakening people | Orang yang bangkit |
Annoying behavior | Perilaku menjengkelkan |
misal :
* Growing up girl (Gadis yang sedang tumbuh)
* Falling leaves (Daun-daun yang sedang berguguran)
* Boiling water (Air yang sedang mendidih)
* Amazing building (Bangunan yang menakjubkan)
* Confusing test (Ujian yang membingungkan)
* Sparkling white (Warna putih yang berkilau)
Past Participle + The Noun
misal :
* No one can heal her broken heart .
* A child sank in the frozen lake yesterday.
* People sometimes breathe polluted air.
* Could the police capture the escaped prisoner ?
* Where is the most wanted terrorist hiding ?
* Do you like eating canned fruit ?
* Jurassic park is the lost world.
misal-contoh lain Past Participle + The Noun
Fried banana | Animated movie |
Dialled number | Smoked fish |
Armed civilians | Abandoned ship |
Adopted child | Naked science |
Fallen tree | Frightened face |
Retired general | Faded flowers |
Disappointed people | Deserted car park |
Expired date | Lost civilization |
Hidden camera | Received call |
misal :
* Fried chicken (ayam yang digoreng)
* Armed civilians (penduduk sipil yang dilengkapi senjata )
* Salted egg ( telur yang diasinkan)
* Received call ( panggilan yang diterima)
* Frightened child (anak yang ketakutan)
* Fallen tree (pohon yang sudah tumbang)
* Developed country (negara yang sudah berkembang)
* Frozen lake (danau yang sudah membeku)
* Faded flowers (bunga-bunga yang sudah layu)
* Married woman (wanita yang sudah berkeluarga)
b. Adjective yang berfungsi sebagai komplemen kalimat (The complement of the sentence)
Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat berfungsi sebagai komplemen kalimat. Ketika Present Participle dan Past Participle dipakai sebagai komplemen kalimat dapat ditempatkan setelah be atau Linking Verbs. Present Participle selalu mengandung makna Active (me/ber...) dan Past Participle selalu mengandung makna passive (di,ter,ke...).
Subject + be + Present? Past Participle
misal :
* This is very tiring.
* Whose face is frightening ?
* English was not interesting when I was in high school.
* Will the show be entertaining ?
* Your decision can be very disappointing.
* Your future in this company is not very promising.
* Sean is very shocked when knowing that his mother got an accident.
* People will be very upset because the government is not fair with them.
* Who is very embarrased ?
* Are they pleased ?
* Who face is frightened ?
Subject + Linking Verb + Present/Past Participle
Linking Verb yang biasa diikuti oleh Participle yaitu :
Seem, look, feel, appear, get, become, sound.
misal :
* This practice seems boring.
* Do the flowers look dying ?
* Your ideas sound interesting .
* Those people appear scaring.
* She felt lost without him in her life for many years.
* I feel so blessed when I think of you.
* Who appears confused on the stage ?
* She doesn’t feel insulted but little offended.
* Whose father becomes annoyed ?
c. Adjective dalam bentuk Adjective Phrases
Phrase (frase) yaitu kumpulan kata yang mempunyai arti. Adjective Phrase yaitu frase yang menandakan /mendeskripsikan kata benda. Adjective Phrase dibuat dari Adjective Clause dengan cara menghilangkan Relative Pronoun khususnya Relative Pronoun untuk subjek (who, which, that) kemudian mengganti kata kerja dengan memakai Participle.
Present Participle dipakai untuk Adjective Clause yang mengandung makna active (me/ber) dan Past Participle dipakai untuk Adjective Clause yang mengandung makna Passive (di, ter)
misal :
Adjective Clause
* The highway that goes to the president palace is closed for public.
Adjective Phrase
* The highway going to the president palace is closed for public.
* Williana wanted to buy the gadget which was advertised on a daily newspaper.
Williana wanted to buy the gadget advertised on a daily newspaper.
* The judge who denied being bribed made a press conference to clarify.
The judge denying being bribed made a press conference to clarify.
* The man who can’t walk after getting stroke spends his life on a bed.
The man not being able to walk after getting stroke spends his life on a bed.
Note :
Present Participle dan Past Participle dalam bentuk Adjective Phrase tidak dipakai jikalau Adjective Clausenya untuk objek (whom), Possessive (whose) , atau keterangan (when, where, why).
Semoga bermanfaa ...
Baca juga :
Participle after Other Verbs and Expressions
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